Friday 16 October 2015

Just one additional flight for Surat, a vast worldwide reach for Surtis

Globe trotting Surtis are now connected worldwide

With apologies to late Neil Armstrong, we at Surat have decided to adapt his famous quote upon stepping on the surface of the moon. For us it is 'Just one additional flight for Surat, a vast worldwide reach for Surtis.

We are currently witnessing a trend in Indian aviation where hopping flights are no longer viable or useful. During the days the erstwhile Indian Airlines (now merged with Air India) had a monopoly of the Indian skies, they resorted to hopping flights as they had to operate to many loss making routes out of political compulsion.

With the advent of low cost carriers, there are more point to point flights and point to hub flights and the key to success is keeping costs low by having a concentrated volume of seats on particular sectors. In fact 2 pairs of flights in the morning hours and 2 pairs of flights in the evening hours is a must between major metropolitan cities. Well spaced out flights throughout the day between two points as well as feeder flights between a point and a hub ensures that everyone are well connected.

The Indian aviation market has not yet matured well enough as much as worldwide aviation industry has matured. Here, routes are still planned based on political compulsions and whims and fancies as a city of 4.5 million people having a large number of fliers had been deliberately isolated from the aviation map. Adding one more flight on the Delhi - Surat - Delhi sector has ensured that Surat is now well connected to major cities in India and the rest of the world. Businessmen from Surat can fly worldwide from Surat itself and those visiting Surat need not torture themselves with strenuous surface journey of 4-6 hours from other airports.

This video clipping we have uploaded tells all about the difference that one additional flight has made. Surat hopes for and deserves much more.

Fly more from Surat [STV] to be more well connected from / to Surat [STV].

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