Wednesday 29 July 2015

Air India has been established to drain tax payer money

Why Air India does losses?
Tarun Chugh is a textile entrepreneur and WWWAS member based in Surat. He has been researching why Air India continuously ignores Surat even though their subsidiary Alliance Air earns amongst the highest per passenger revenue from Surat as against their other favored airports. The research has been carried out after filing umpteen number of RTI applications.

Saturday 18 July 2015

WWWAS group hosts Air Asia India delegates at Surat

After a year of correspondence with Mr. Mittu Chandilya, CEO of Air Asia India, our WWWAS Group Administrator Linesh Shah could convince him to at least start exploring Surat as a potential destination for Air Asia India.

Friday 10 July 2015

Juhu airport safety runs into a wall...

Aviation is one industry where safety and security are expected to be of the highest standards. As far as airports are concerned, as most of the airports worldwide are state run, although ICAO specifies minimum standards for safety, security and navigation, some leeway is always given depending on the situation.

Saturday 4 July 2015

Surat Aviation Blog is now active

Surat Aviation blog is now online. This blog has been started by the administrators of the Facebook Group "We Want A Working Airport at Surat".

Surat may have the dubious distinction of being the most under served metropolis by airlines.